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Access Point

The heart of your smart home: With the Homematic IP access point you can intuitively set up and control your smart home.

  • Flexible: Thanks to encrypted communication, you have secure access to your system at all times, even while on the road. With the server location in Germany, your data is in good hands.
  • Easy installation: Thanks to the Homematic IP setup wizard, installing the access point including devices is a walk in the park.
  • Anonymous: You do not need a user account to get your access point ready to go. In addition, the system does not store any personal data.
  • No hidden costs: Take advantage of free cloud usage without worrying about annoying follow-up costs.
  • Long range: Connect devices up to 400 metres away to your system.

The Homematic IP access point is the central element for the intuitive, cloud-based setup and control of your smart home. Simply connect the access point to your router: This way, you connect the Homematic IP Cloud securely and encrypted to the devices in your home. Even devices in remote areas can be reliably integrated into the system thanks to the high range of up to 400 metres.

Once an internet connection is established, all functions can be conveniently used with the Homematic IP app. The app offers you a user-friendly interface and provides all functions of your smart home clearly arranged. This allows you to control your smart home at any time and from anywhere.



Operating manuals

  • Operating manual Access point (3,0 MB)

Product data sheets

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The app is the intuitive control center of your smart home.



Window Control

The window control enables the integration of various drives into your smart home, both in direct installation and retrofittable.



Shutter Actuator

The shutter actuator allows you to program or individually control awnings or shutters with wired tubular motors.


Shutter Actuator for Brand Switches

Automate the control of your roller shutters and awnings.



Blinds Actuator

With the blinds actuator you have full control over the individual control of your external venetian blinds or shutters.


Blinds Actuator for Brand Switches

Control blinds and venetian blinds conveniently and automatically via all common drives.



Switch Socket

With the switch socket, the power supply of electrical devices can also be controlled while on the move.


Wandtaster 2-fach

Double Wall Switch

The wall switch can be used to control all areas in your smart home.


Wall-mounted Remote Control - 6 buttons

Have full control over your smart home.


Wall-mounted Remote Control - flat

The flat remote control allows you to perform clever functions at the touch of a button.


Fenster- und Tuerkontakt

Window and Door Contact

The invisible window and door contact detects open windows and can also trigger an alarm if desired.


Concealed Window and Door Contact

Monitor your windows and doors unobtrusively.



CO2 Sensor

The CO2 sensor reliably measures the CO2 pollution in your rooms.


Radiator Thermostat

Connect your heating to your smart home and automatically control the temperature in your home.


Wandthermostat mit Luftfeuchtigkeitssensor

Wall Thermostat with Humidity Sensor

The wall thermostat measures the temperature and humidity when placed anywhere in the room.



Door Lock Drive

The door lock drive connects the front door with your smart home.


Remote Control (8 buttons)

Remote control with 8 customizable buttons for flexible configuration.


Radiator Thermostat - Evo

Bring together intelligent heating and a stylish, excellent design.


Window Handle Sensor

The window handle sensor detects whether your window is open, tilted or closed.


Presence Sensor

Detect finest movement in rooms.


Light Sensor - outdoor

Reliably measure the brightness in your outdoor area.


Weather Sensor - basic

Capture the exact outdoor temperature and humidity.



Control your front door flexibly and conveniently with the Homematic IP keypad.


The Homematic IP indoor alarm siren effectively deters burglars.

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Alarm Siren - outdoor

A reliable audible and visual alarm system for your smart home.


Smoke Alarm with Q label

Detect smoke development in the room air.


Application cases

Frau sitzt im Winter am geöffnetem Fenster und genießt die Sonnenstrahlen

Turning off heating automatically

The smart home by TEXINO thinks for you: with intelligent radiator thermostats which turn down automatically when windows are open.


Außenaufnahmen eines Einfamilienhauses. Die Sonne scheint ins Fenster, das Rollo ist heruntergefahren.

Closing windows automatically

There's lightning, there's a bang - and your windows are open? With TEXINO you can protect your your own home automatically - with windows and shading that react to servere weather automatically.


Eine Frau liegt schlafend im Bett. Die Sonnenstrahlen der hochfahrenden Rollos scheinen in den dunklem Raum auf ihr Gesicht.

Optimum indoor climate in the bedroom

With TEXINO you create a smart bedroom, adapting to your and your loved ones´ sleeping habits.


Eine Frau steht in der Dusche. In der beschlagenen Duschwand ist ein Herz gemalt.

Regulate humidity in the bathroom

With your smart home equipment by TEXINO, you ensure the ideal bathroom climate automatically, preventing fogged mirrors and mold.


Ein Mann sitzt in seinem Schreibtisch und arbeitet am Laptop

Work more productively in the home office

With your smart equipment by TEXINO, you ensure the perfect working atmosphere in the office automatically - and create your own personal smart office.


Eine Familie sitzt im dunklen Kinderzimmer in einem Kinderzelt, die Rollos sind heruntergefahren.

Automatic privacy screen

We prefer to keep some moments to ourselves. Your TEXINO Smart Home protects you from the looks of nosy neighbors and automatically closes the window shade when it gets dark.


Ein Mann sitzt im Rollstuhl am Tisch, auf dem ein Sprachassistent steht.

Barrier-free control

Make it easy for yourself: With a smart home that automatically responds to your needs.


Eine Frau läuft auf ihre Haustür zu, in beiden Händen hält sie eine Einkaufstüte.

Open the front door automatically

With TEXINO, you can open the front door with one click on your smartphone or remote control and save yourself the hassle of looking for your key.


Eine Familie ist an einem verschneiten Tag im Wald spazieren. Im vorderen Bereich des Bildes ist ein Hund zu sehen.

Regulate heat individually

Are you coming home from the office after a long day at work or from a winter walk with your loved ones? With smart equipment by TEXINO, you can regulate your living space to the desired temperature shortly before you arrive.


Außenaufnahmen eines Einfamilienhaus, bei dem die Innenbeleuchtung eingeschaltet ist.

Simulate presence

Holidays are for relaxing - not for worrying. With TEXINO you can protect your home easily, deceive thieves and travel with peace of mind.


Ein Hund und ein kleines Kind sitzen vor dem Fenster und schauen nach draußen. Draußen regnet es.

Closing windows automatically

There's lightning, there's a bang - and your windows are open? With TEXINO you can protect your your own home automatically - with windows and shading that react to servere weather automatically.


Eine Familie sitzt eng nebeneinander im Wohnzimmer. Mutter und Vater sitzen jeweils außen und halten eine Hand hoch und verbinden diese in der Luft zu der Form eines Hausdachs.

Building envelope protection with panic button

With the building envelope protection byTEXINO you can secure your home with one click, lock windows and doors and activate shading automatically.


Intelligent fire protection

When it comes to fire safety, it is particularly important that families with children have a safe home.
